The tooth fairy is missing.
As much as Fecanya loves magically processing ordure, (not really) she doesn’t hesitate to step up and assume the role of substitute tooth fairy. As long as she possibly can.
When more fairies disappear and details come in, all clues point to the Pacific Northwest.
A run-in with a gang of local parrots and a yeti foreigner send the fairies through towns littered with poison ivy-infested humans, a caffeine shortage, and dialup internet. In short, on the brink of disaster.
Only one supernatural species feeds on chaos; filthy demons. But just as the fairies puzzle out the cause, they stumble upon their sistren’s captor; a nymph with a grudge.
Time is short. Under-caffeinated humans wage war in the streets in the name of bread and natural living, and the veil between the human world and the abysmal weakens.
Is there a connection between these events and the nymph?
A war of gluten, butter beans, and durian fruit is only the beginning, for if Fecanya and the fairies cannot thwart the chaotic nymph’s plans to enter the world of fey, slow internet and decaf coffee will be the least of their problems.
PS: Sugar’s next.